E49: How to Transition from Profitable to Wealthy with Sean Adams
Hello and welcome to The Fight Club 4 Business podcast where everything we talk about is to help you grow and scale your business through the four traits that we have to bring you, marketing, systems, finance, and people...
we'll be Interviewing Sean Adams today so let's here a little bit about him, Sean Adams is a very successful business man who has helped many businesses turn into companies...
He's the former owner of a lawn care and landscaping company and is now giving advice to business owners like YOU...
But now he's on the show so let's see about what we're going to be talking about in this week's episode...
-The number one key to growing and gaining more knowledge...
-Money is not just paper, money does not have to be saved in just a bank, when looking to save also look at businesses and opportunities that can make you more money in the future...
This weeks wish list is "what would you do with your money if you didn't have to worry about it." write it down in a notebook...
And this week's quote is "it’s not about having all the money it’s about having all the options..."
We have a very impressive episode today because of all the knowledge it beholds so if your ready for knowledge, golden nuggets of wisdom, Tools tips and tricks and more your in the right place welcome to The Fight Club 4 Business podcast...
Here are the links to all of their businesses...
Sean Adam's business by clicking Here...
Taylor Meroni's business by clicking Here...
Michelle Myers business by clicking Here...
Meaghan Likes Business by clicking Here...
Martha Woodward's business by clicking Here...