Episode 95

Published on:

22nd May 2023

Ep . 143 Daniel & Justin

Daniel Ray

Daniel grew up with a passion for pushing the limits, whether it was skateboarding, BMX, or drag racing motorcycles. Shortly after high school, he learned a trade and stayed in the construction industry for two decades.

Justin Kohns

Justin grew up playing sports and spending as much time outside as possible. His first summer job was mowing grass and he’s always enjoyed active work. He excelled in school, especially math, and has always been inclined towards problem-solving.

Time Stamp

πŸ“Œ[10:10]Do you really understand your ideal client's problems?

πŸ“Œ[10:31]Do you have empathy for the pain your ideal client is experiencing?

πŸ“Œ[11:23]How can you help? What is the solution you have to uniquely offer?

πŸ“Œ[12:51]Where do you start?

πŸ“Œ[13:06]Where do you start when it comes to marketing?

πŸ“Œ[16:17]How are you measuring the success of your marketing habits?

πŸ“Œ[20:42]Leaning into your existing client base because they're the most profitable...

πŸ“Œ[21:34]Don't underestimate the power of the phone doing business-to-business marketing - reach out to a referral partner and offer to serve them and their team

πŸ“Œ[26:10]It takes a lot of energy & fuel to get a plane off the ground but when do you stop chasing your tail?

πŸ“Œ[29:38]Justin has been analyzing this pattern of chasing revenue and compromising profitability

πŸ“Œ[30:04]What is your mindset around spending? Justin is a huge fan of selling first and then building it...

πŸ“Œ[33:12]Michelle is working hard to fall back in love with her business

πŸ“Œ[34:31]What are your goals for today?!

πŸ“Œ[34:53]What you think about is what you talk about and what you talk about is what you do


πŸ“Œ[36:57]Why are you in business?

πŸ“Œ[37:15]"Start with Why" by Simon Sinek

πŸ“Œ[37:32]What is your BHAG?

πŸ“Œ[38:34]This should provide clarity & energy

πŸ“Œ[39:06]Ideas are easy - execution is everything!

πŸ“Œ[40:52]How to pay yourself as a business owner?

πŸ“Œ[43:05]Debt Reduction Plan...

πŸ“Œ[44:14]Debt is easier than fixing your business and making it healthy/sustainable!


πŸ“Œ[56:03]Where do you want your business to go?

πŸ“Œ[56:19]Where do you want to be in 10 years? 3 years? and 1 year?

πŸ“Œ[56:24]Make them SMART


Quote of the Week

"The question isn't how big the business is, it's how healthy the business is." -Mike Michalowicz

⇩ Resources ⇩

✯Daniel Ray: growthhub.ac

✯Justin Kohns: growthhub.ac

✯Tay Meroni (Marketing) with Pure Pressure Washing

✯Meaghan Likes (Finances) with Bookkeeping Academy OnlineLikes Accounting Company Jeff Likes Clean Windows & Gutters

✯Michelle Myers (Systems) with Pink Callers

✯Martha Woodward (People) with The Pay for Performance ExpertQuality Driven Software & Dusting Divas

Show artwork for Fight Club 4 Business

About the Podcast

Fight Club 4 Business
4 Experts in their respective fields: Marketing, Finance, Systems, and Employee Engagement who also happen to own service businesses. This group was formed to help people restructure their service business so that they thrived during COVID-19 and...
4 Experts in their respective fields: Taylor Meroni-Marketing, Meaghan Likes-Finance, Michelle Myers-Systems, and Martha Woodward-People, who also happen to own service businesses.
This group was formed to help people restructure their service business so that they thrived during COVID-19 and beyond.

About your host

Profile picture for Tay Meroni, Meaghan Likes, Michelle Myers and Martha Woodward

Tay Meroni, Meaghan Likes, Michelle Myers and Martha Woodward

4 Experts in their respective fields: Accounting/Finance, Marketing, Systems, and Employee Engagement who also happen to own service businesses.
This group was formed to help people restructure their service business so that they thrive after COVID-19